Mirrors are an essential part of your bathroom and your choices are limited only to your imagination. We custom-make mirrors for every style of bathroom. You can choose from round, square or rectangular…large or small. Or you may choose to have a whole wall mirrored! They are custom made to suit your individual needs. Committed to delivering the most eye-catching and functional frameless mirrors suited for homes throughout Sydney the team at White Bathroom can make your bathroom stand out and look modern thanks to our contemporary mirrors.
There are a range of finishes available such as silver, bronze or grey mirror coupled with clear or frosted or textured glass. To learn more about the benefits of our range of mirrors come and talk to us about your needs and we will come up with an individual design to enhance your new bathroom.
Whether you are after one of our pre-made mirrors, or one of the best custom made mirrors in Sydney call us on 02 9967 4488 today to discuss your mirror needs and requirements.